
Dolly Singh, Founder – Delhi Poetry Festival

“Nature’s Jamboree, the environment advocacy initiative by SoCHE Foundation is very meaningful and relevant to our times. I convey my appreciation to the team on working tirelessly towards the promotion of clean environment and preservation of natural resources. It’s been our pleasure to be associated with you as strategic partners for green creative writing and taking […]


Dinesh Bhatia, Volunteer

“At the very core of SoCHE are individuals who are committed to sustainable development. Volunteering with them to create doodle images on environment conservation has been an absolute pleasure. Not only have I enjoyed the process of making use of my creativity for a cause, but also learnt so much in turn through numerous discussions […]

Shyam Mohan Tyagi

Shyam Mohan Tyagi, Volunteer

“Volunteering for SoCHE was a natural choice for me as I had previously worked with the Founder and knew of the passion with which she works. The need assessment survey that I volunteered for was carried along with college student. I was monitoring them to carry interviews, FGDs and make the resource maps of the […]